Job Title:Executive director
Employer:ECO-ENA: Economics & ECO-Engineering Associate, Inc.
Grad Year:2007
Degree(s):PhD Economics
Expertise:Consulting, Economics, Education
Industry:Consulting, Economics

What makes you a good mentor?

I want to help others to succeed in their life and to overcome obstacles despite constraints.

About Ghada Mohamed

Ghada Mohamed is the main founder and the executive director of ECO-ENA, Inc., Canada; an international economic & business network. Ghada helps the corporation optimize its goals. She also organizes international scientific conferences in business and economics to synthesize new intellectual materials from many countries worldwide. She discusses them in international symposiums in different countries with many other international scholars. She also publishes all discussed intellectual material every year in conference proceedings and journals to preserve those materials for future generations, aiming to add to the existing literature in different domains related to business and economics in general.

Ghada is also University professor of multidisciplinary subjects. She taught in 12 different international Universities in 4-countries. Ghada is also an editor of a peer reviewed journal in Financial Economics.

Ghada attained her PhD in Economics from Carleton University and other two postdoctoral fellowships from the University of Ottawa in communication and management.

Ghada publishes her research works in different international peer reviewed journals and international conferences proceedings.