Job Title:Policy Analyst
Employer:Public Service and Procurement Canada
Grad Year:2020
Degree(s):M.A. International Affairs
Major(s):International Affairs
Expertise:Government Relations
Industry:Public Service

What makes you a good mentor?

Mentorship is such a powerful force and allows for two way learning (mentor learning from the mentee and vice versa). Moreover, it allows me to give pay it forward and give back to the community.

About Rumya Nithiananthan

I am currently a Policy Analyst at Public Service and Procurement Canada (PSPC). In my role, I provide policy advice to federal Cabinet ministers on key national science, tech and infrastructure projects and initiatives. Prior to joining PSPC, I worked at the Public Health Agency of Canada and Canadian Heritage, managing various global health funding programs and sport programs for the Government of Canada.

Outside of work, I am the Vice-President of Communications at the Canada-China Young Professionals Network, a Mentor at the Merit Award Bursary Program as well as the Director of Communications at the Tamils in Public Service network.