Job Title:Managing Director, National Speciality Leader, Employee Benefits
Employer:Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada
Grad Year:1989
Major(s):Political Science
Expertise:Business Development, Football, Toronto Area
Industry:Consulting, Football

What makes you a good mentor?

I've kept this Johnny Carson quote stuck to my computer for the last 20 years: "My success just evolved from working hard at the business at hand each day". Part of "working hard" is to seek out advice and guidance. I've been very fortunate to get good advice from people and have at times regretted not actively seeking it when I had the opportunity to do so. Perhaps I can give someone at Carleton the opportunity to see things that they may not yet see, confirm what they know or suspect, or inspire them to take action when they may hesitate. I'd be delighted to help people enjoy the same kind of success that I have achieved both personally and professionally. Success that I first tasted as a student athlete at Carleton.

About Steve Fretwell

I lead a team of dynamic consultants to deliver risk management and insurance brokerage solutions to private and public enterprises across Canada. Our client proposition is built upon our deep specialized knowledge, client advocacy, tailored advice and service excellence. Together my team places our clients first, champion independent thinking and expect to be judged on the results we deliver.

My strong background in sport – both as a student athlete at Carleton and as a CIS coach laid the foundation for my success in business as well as my personal life. I’ve been fortunate to maintain a healthy balanced lifestyle while building a solid reputation for “getting things done” within the insurance and risk management industry in Canada.

I have a diverse background in the insurance and financial services industry in Canada with regular visits to the UK. A regular speaker on innovative technologies at the Society of Actuaries annual meetings, I’m fortunate to be recognized as a highly engaging speaker with deep technical knowledge of digital distribution of life insurance products across the globe.

I am the Advisory Board Chair for Acceptiv – the world’s leading automated underwriting direct to consumer technology company.

I’m also fortunate to be an active member of the Carleton University Football Funding organization known as the OLD CROWS.

At home, I try my best to remain sane with three teen aged daughters to deal with. I married a Queen’s Grad from Kingston, but please don’t consider that a negative.

I have a background in theatre, film and television series, and commercials – having appeared in several roles during my 30’s. It made me a much better public speaker and served as an excellent training ground to prepare me for “pitches” that our team makes to clients across Canada.