Job Title:Associate Product Development Manager
Employer:Canadian Tire
Grad Year:2004
Degree(s):B. Industrial Design
Major(s):Industrial Design

What makes you a good mentor?

I have been lucky to have some great bosses how have taught and guided me to be the designer and leader I am today. I would like to pay forward to the next generation of designers.

About Bruce Cooper

In my 15 years as a designer I have found the best projects come from unlikely sources. Whether it is combining two unrelated technologies for an innovative new product, or digging through the insight of parents to develop a better kids bike, I like a challenge that leads to better products and user experiences.

I have been lucky to years in a variety of roles and companies from manufacturers to large retailers and marketing companies. In my time designing and developing product I have worked with local and international suppliers.

My work in recent years has focused more on development than pure design meaning I am working with other designers and suppliers to get the work done rather than doing it myself. In my work I am heavily involved in the branding, marketing and sourcing of products.