Milestone Anniversary Celebration 2022

Make this your best reunion year yet! We are looking forward to reconnecting in person on campus this year and we hope you will join us for the Milestone Anniversary Celebration event.

The Milestone Anniversary Celebration is an opportunity for the university to honour alumni who are celebrating a special anniversary of their graduation. This year graduates who are celebrating their 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65 and 70th year graduation anniversaries will be recognized, as well as those who graduated 50 years ago and earlier. Anniversaries being honoured this year are the classes of 1997, 1992, 1987, 1982, 1977, 1972, 1967, 1962, 1957, 1952 and the Founders graduates from the classes of 1971 and earlier.

Get in touch with former classmates to start planning now. There are a few things that you can do to make your reunion really great. Volunteer to become a Reunion Leader and help co-ordinate your class to attend this year’s Milestone Anniversary Celebration.

And register below to attend this year’s IN PERSON Milestone Anniversary Celebration!

Milestone Anniversary Celebration 2022

Saturday, September 24, 2022
9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
in-person event
A reminder will be provided in the registration confirmation email

This is scheduled to be an in-person event, following Carleton University’s safe meeting protocols and in accordance with current Public Health guidelines. For more information on the university’s safe meeting protocols please click here

Masks Strongly Recommended

In line with current public health guidance, masking is strongly recommended as a way to protect yourself from COVID-19 – particularly in indoor settings where physical distancing cannot be maintained. Individual preferences regarding mask use will vary. Everyone is empowered to make their own decisions to help reduce personal risk, and we ask everyone to be understanding and respectful of people’s personal choices.

Be sure to check back here regularly for updates!

This event is hosted by the Carleton University Alumni Association. For more information, please contact

Featuring remarks by:

Mat Main, BENG/07, President, Carleton University Alumni Association

Tina Groves, BCS/87

Richard Foucault, BENG/73

Michael Shaw, BENG/72

Mat Main, BENG/07, President, Carleton University Alumni Association

Michael Shaw, BENG/72

Richard Foucault, BENG/73

Tina Groves, BCS/87

To register please click here